983 resultados para Clinical effects


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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PURPOSE: To investigate the sedative and clinical effects of the pharmacopuncture with xylazine, compared to the conventional dose of a intramuscular injection in dogs.METHODS: Twelve dogs were randomly distributed in two groups of six animals and treated as follows: control group (X-IM): 1mg kg(-1) of xylazine given intramuscularly (IM); pharmacopuncture group (X-Yintang): 0.1mg kg(-1) of xylazine diluted to 0.5 mL of saline injected into the Yin Tang acupoint. Heart rate, cardiac rhythm (ECG), systolic arterial blood pressure (SABP), respiratory rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT), blood glucose concentration, degree of sedation and adverse effects were evaluated.RESULTS: Sedative effect was observed in both groups. The degree of sedation was greater in X-IM only at 15 min when compared with X-Yintang group. Cardiovascular established was observed in X-Yintang group, while marked reduction in the HR and increased incidence of ECG abnormalities were detected in X-IM. In both treatment groups, minimal changes were observed in relation to SABP, RR, RT and blood glucose. High incidence (66%) of vomiting was observed in X-IM, while this adverse effect was absent in X-Yintang.CONCLUSION: Pharmacopuncture with xylazine induced clinically relevant sedative effects in dogs, with the advantage of reduction of undesirable side effects associated with alpha(2)-agonists, including bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, and emesis.


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Objectives: The majority of individuals who survive a stroke are disabled because of persisting neurological impairments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of subcutaneous electrical stimulation of the scalp in spontaneous functional recovery of patients with chronic ischemic stroke, by evaluating clinical, neurological, and functional findings. Subjects and methods: Sixty-two (62) subjects who were at least 18 months postdiagnosis of ischemic stroke were randomized to receive 10 sessions of placebo or active low-frequency electrical stimulation (2/100 Hz) using subcutaneous acupuncture needles over the scalp. Functional and neurological evaluations were indexed by the Barthel, Rankin, and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). Results: Results show that there was a significant difference in functional improvement between the sham and active group as indexed by NIHSS scale. The active group had a larger functional improvement after 10 sessions of scalp electrical acupuncture. The other two functional scales (Rankin and Barthel) failed to show significant differences between the two treatment groups. Conclusions: These results support further testing of scalp electrical acupuncture for the treatment of stroke as well further mechanistic studies to understand mechanisms associated with the observed improvement. Further studies need to consider longer follow-up assessments to investigate potential functional changes associated with electrical acupuncture.


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PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to test the effects of interdental cleansing with dental floss on supragingival biofilm removal in natural dentition during a 3-week period of experimental biofilm accumulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study was performed as a single-blind, parallel, randomised, controlled clinical trial using the experimental gingivitis model (Löe et al, 1965). Thirty-two students were recruited and assigned to one of the following experimental or control groups: Group A used a fluoride-containing dentifrice (NaF dentifrice) on a toothbrush for 60 s twice a day, Group B used an unwaxed dental floss twice a day, Group C used a waxed dental floss twice a day in every interproximal space and Group D rinsed twice a day for 60 s with drinking water (control). RESULTS: During 21 days of abolished oral hygiene, the groups developed various amounts of plaque and gingivitis. Neither of the cleansing protocols alone allowed the prevention of gingivitis development. Toothbrushing alone yielded better outcomes than did any of the flossing protocols. Interdental cleansing with a waxed floss had better biofilm removal effects than with unwaxed floss. CONCLUSIONS: Toothbrushing without interdental cleansing using dental floss and interdental cleansing alone cannot prevent the development of gingivitis.


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Contact with sponges (Phylum Porifera) usually results in minimal effects or abrasions, except for species that produce crinitoxins and can cause irritation and dermatitis. There are few reports of sponge stings, mainly in divers or collectors. We report a group of sponge stings from handling flame red/orange sponges on the beach, confirmed to be Tedania anhelans in five cases. All seven patients suffered immediate effects ranging from mild to severe pain, and local inflammation. A 38-year-old female and three children had delayed skin involvement including itchiness, pain, swelling and redness. Blistering and desquamation occurred in the female adult and limited desquamation in one child. Similar delayed effects have been reported in Tedania spp. stings previously. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To observe the clinical effects of sirolimus (SRL) immunosuppressive therapy in patients with progressively increasing levels of serum creatinine (Scr) after renal transplant. Methods: In total, 180 patients whose Scr levels had been rising after renal transplant were given an oral calcineurin inhibitor (CNI): either cyclosporine A (CsA) or tacrolimus (FK506). All patients were treated at People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou, China, between January 2011 and December 2013, and were given SRL-based conversion treatment. Scr level and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were observed before and 1, 3, and 6 months after treatment initiation. In addition, liver function, blood glucose, blood lipid levels, rejection reaction incidence, and mortality were recorded to evaluate the effects of SRL. Results: Scr levels were 116.60 ± 30.60 μmol/L and 119.00 ± 24.60 μmol/L, and GFR was 70.00 ± 19.70 mL/min and 75.90 ± 15.60 mL/min, at 3 and 6 months after treatment, respectively. The 3- and 6- month Scr and GFR values were statistically different (p < 0.05) compared to pre-treatment levels (Scr: 144.10 ± 61.70 μmol/L vs and GFR: 59.10 ± 16.20 mL/min. Acute rejection (AR) occurred in 20 patients (13.30 %) within 6 months of treatment initiation, but rejection was reversed with conventional methylprednisolone therapy. Twenty-one patients (11.70 %) developed lung infections, but all were cured. There were no significant differences in liver function before and after treatment. Conclusion: SRL-based immunosuppressive therapy is effective in treating patients with increased Scr levels after renal transplant.


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Lycopene is a phytochemical that belongs to a group of pigments known as carotenoids. It is red, lipophilic and naturally occurring in many fruits and vegetables, with tomatoes and tomato-based products containing the highest concentrations of bioavailable lycopene. Several epidemiological studies have linked increased lycopene consumption with decreased prostate cancer risk. These findings are supported by in vitro and in vivo experiments showing that lycopene not only enhances the antioxidant response of prostate cells, but that it is even able to inhibit proliferation, induce apoptosis and decrease the metastatic capacity of prostate cancer cells. However, there is still no clearly proven clinical evidence supporting the use of lycopene in the prevention or treatment of prostate cancer, due to the only limited number of published randomized clinical trials and the varying quality of existing studies. The scope of this article is to discuss the potential impact of lycopene on prostate cancer by giving an overview about its molecular mechanisms and clinical effects. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Tick fever is an important disease of cattle where Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus acts as a vector for the three causal organisms Babesia bovis, Babesia bigemina and Anaplasma marginale. Bos indicus cattle and their crosses are more resistant to the clinical effects of infection with B. bovis and B. bigemina than are Bos taurus cattle. Resistance is not complete, however, and herds of B. indicus-cross cattle are still at risk of babesiosis in environments where exposure to B. bovis is light in most years but occasionally high. The susceptibility of B. indicus cattle and their crosses to infection with A. marginale is similar to that of B. taurus cattle. In herds of B. indicus cattle and their crosses the infection rate of Babesia spp. and A. marginale is lowered because fewer ticks are likely to attach per day due to reduced numbers of ticks in the field (long-term effect on population, arising from high host resistance) and because a smaller proportion of ticks that do develop to feed on infected cattle will in turn be infected (due to lower parasitaemia). As a consequence, herds of B. indicus cattle are less likely than herds of B. taurus cattle to have high levels of population immunity to babesiosis or anaplasmosis. The effects of acaricide application on the probability of clinical disease due to anaplasmosis and babesiosis are unpredictable and dependent on the prevalence of infection in ticks and in cattle at the time of application. Attempting to manipulate population immunity through the toleration of specific threshold numbers of ticks with the aim of controlling tick fever is not reliable and the justification for acaricide application should be for the control of ticks rather than for tick fever. Vaccination of B. indicus cattle and their crosses is advisable in all areas where ticks exist, although vaccination against B. bigemina is probably not essential in pure B. indicus animals.


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Probiooteilla kantakohtaisia vaikutuksia ihmisen immuunijärjestelmään terveillä aikuisilla Probiooteilla on kantakohtaisia tulehduksen välittäjäaineita vähentäviä vaikutuksia ja probioottien yhdistelmien vaikutukset eroavat yksittäisten kantojen vaikutuksista selviää TtM Riina Kekkosen tuoreesta väitöstutkimuksesta. TtM Riina Kekkonen on selvittänyt väitöskirjassaan eri probioottikantojen vaikutuksia immuunivasteeseen valkosolumallissa sekä terveillä aikuisilla lumekontrolloiduissa kliinisissä tutkimuksissa. Aikaisemmin probioottien vaikutuksia on tutkittu lähinnä allergian ja erilaisten vatsavaivojen ehkäisyssä ja hoidossa. Probiootteja sisältäviä tuotteita käyttävät kuluttajat ovat kuitenkin useimmiten terveitä aikuisia, ja probioottien vaikutus terveiden aikuisten immuunijärjestelmään on ollut puutteellisesti selvitettyä. Valkosolumallissa probioottikantojen havaittiin poikkeavan toisistaan niiden kyvyssä aktivoida immuunivasteen välittäjäaineiden, sytokiinien, tuotantoa. Anti-inflammatorisia, eli tulehdusta lievittäviä vaikutuksia nähtiin lähinnä Bifidobacterium ja Propionibacterium sukuihin kuuluvilla kannoilla. Streptococcus ja Leuconostoc sukuihin kuuluvat kannat puolestaan aktivoivat Th1 tyyppistä, soluvälitteistä immuunivastetta. Eri probioottien kombinaatiot eivät saaneet aikaan voimakkaampaa aktivaatiota yksittäisiin kantoihin verrattuna, joka viittaa probioottien keskinäiseen kilpailuun niiden ollessa kontaktissa ihmisen solujen kanssa. Probioottikantojen valinta kliinisiin tutkimuksiin tehtiin niiden anti-inflammatoristen ominaisuuksien perusteella. Parhaita anti-inflammatorisia kantoja olivat B. lactis ssp. animalis Bb12 ja P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS, joiden lisäksi tutkimuksiin valittiin myös L. rhamnosus GG (LGG) hyvin tutkittuna referenssikantana. Solutöiden tulokset eivät olleet täysin verrannollisia kliinisen työn tuloksiin, koska LGG näytti omaavan parhaat anti-inflammatoriset ominaisuudet kliinisissä tutkimuksissa vaikka solutyössä sen aikaansaamat vasteet olivat melko vaimeita. Kolmen viikon kliinisessä tutkimuksessa terveillä aikuisilla LGG alensi mm. tulehdusta kuvaavan C-reaktiivisen proteiinin ja inflammatoristen sytokiinien määrää. Pidemmässä kolmen kuukauden pituisessa kliinisessä tutkimuksessa LGG:llä ei ollut vaikutusta terveiden aikuisten infektiosairastavuuteen, mutta LGG lyhensi vatsavaivojen kestoa. Probioottien vaikutukset immuunijärjestelmään näyttävät olevan kantakohtaisia ja erityisesti Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG:llä havaittiin anti-inflammatorisia vaikutuksia. Valkosolumallia ei tulisi käyttää ainoana probioottikantojen skriinausmenetelmänä niiden immunologisia vaikutuksia selvitettäessä, koska solutöiden tulokset eivät olleet täysin verrannollisia kliinisten tutkimusten tuloksiin. Sen sijaan veren perifeeristen lymfosyyttien eristäminen ja niiden aktivoitumisen selvittäminen lyhytaikaisessa kliinisessä tutkimuksessa voisi toimia suhteellisen helppona skiinausmenetelmänä.


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Rationale: There is no effective pharmacological treatment for acute lung injury (ALI). Statins are a potential new therapy because they modify many of the underlying processes important in ALI.

Objectives: To test whether simvastatin improves physiological and biological outcomes in ALI.

Methods: We conducted a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial in patients with ALI. Patients received 80 mg simvastatin or placebo until cessation of mechanical ventilation or up to 14 days. Extravascular lung water was measured using thermodilution. Measures of pulmonary and nonpulmonary organ function were assessed daily. Pulmonary and systemic inflammation was assessed by bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and plasma cytokines. Systemic inflammation was also measured by plasma C-reactive protein.

Measurements and Main Results: Sixty patients were recruited. Baseline characteristics, including demographics and severity of illness scores, were similar in both groups. At Day 7, there was no difference in extravascular lung water. By Day 14, the simvastatin-treated group had improvements in nonpulmonary organ dysfunction. Oxygenation and respiratory mechanics improved, although these parameters failed to reach statistical significance. Intensive care unit mortality was 30% in both groups. Simvastatin was well tolerated, with no increase in adverse events. Simvastatin decreased bronchoalveolar lavage IL-8 by 2.5-fold (P = 0.04). Plasma C-reactive protein decreased in both groups but failed to achieve significance in the placebo-treated group.

Conclusions: Treatment with simvastatin appears to be safe and may be associated with an improvement in organ dysfunction in ALI. These clinical effects may be mediated by a reduction in pulmonary and systemic inflammation.


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Osseous metastases are a source of significant morbidity for patients with a variety of cancers. Radiotherapy is well established as an effective means of palliating symptoms associated with such metastases. The role of external beam radiotherapy is limited where sites of metastases are numerous and widespread. Low linear energy transfer (LET) radionuclides have been utilized to allow targeted delivery of radiotherapy to disparate sites of disease, with evidence of palliative benefit. More recently, the bone targeting, high LET radionuclide (223)Ra has been shown to not only have a palliative effect but also a survival prolonging effect in metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer with bone metastases. This article reviews the different radionuclide-based approaches for targeting bone metastases, with an emphasis on (223)Ra, and key elements of the underlying radiobiology of these that will impact their clinical effectiveness. Consideration is given to the remaining unknowns of both the basic radiobiological and applied clinical effects of (223)Ra as targets for future research.


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This study evaluated the adverse effects of oral firocoxib in dogs. Six dogs (20.2 +/- 6.3 kg) were studied. Values for complete blood count (CBC), serum urea, creatinine, alanine transaminase, alanine phosphatase, -glutamyl transferase, occult blood in feces, platelet aggregation, and buccal mucosal bleeding time were measured before and 7, 14, 21, and 29 days after SID treatment with firocoxib 5.3 +/- 0.34 mg/kg (FG) or lactose 1 mg/kg (LG) for 2 8 days, in a randomized crossover study. Gastrointestinal (GI) tract endoscopy was performed before treatment began and at 29 days. Lesions were scored from grade 0 to 6. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and paired t-tests (P < 0.05). None of the dogs presented adverse clinical effects. There were no significant changes in CBC, biochemical profiles within groups, or differences between groups. Pretreatment mean SD bleeding time (LG, 70.7 +/- 32.1 sec; FG, 75.8 +/- 38.1 sec) and platelet aggregation (LG, 86.4 +/- 10.2%; FG, 85.6 +/- 9.2%) were not significantly different from readings at 29 days (LG, 95.2 +/- 25 sec; FG, 91.7 +/- 24 sec and LG, 73.2 +/- 15.1%; FG, 84 +/- 10.3%) nor the groups were different. None of the dogs had positive fecal occult blood tests, and endoscopic lesion scores were grade 0 both before treatment and at 29 days. Administration of firocoxib did not cause any adverse effects on GI, or hematological or serum biochemical variables and appears to have been well tolerated by dogs.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the long-term clinical effects produced by subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) and guided tissue regeneration combined with demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (GTR-DFDBA) in the treatment of gingival recessions in a 30-month follow-up clinical trial. Methods: Twenty-four defects were treated in 12 patients who presented canine or pre-molar Miller class I and/or II bilateral gingival recessions. GTR-DFDBA and SCTG treatments were performed in a randomized selection in a split-mouth design. The clinical measurements included root coverage (RC), gingival recession (GR), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and keratinized tissue width (KTW). These clinical parameters were evaluated at baseline and after 6, 18 and 30 months post-surgery. Results: The changes in RC, GR, PD and CAL did not show significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). Both procedures promoted similar RC (GTR-DFDBA: 87% and SCTG: 95.5%) and similar reduction in GR (GTR-DFDBA: 3.25 mm and SCTG: 3.9 mm), PD (GTR-DFDBA: 1.6 mm and SCTG: 1.2 mm) and CAL (GTR-DFDBA: 4.9 mm and SCTG: 5.0 mm). The increase in KTW was significantly higher (p = 0.02) in the SCTG group (3.5 mm) than in the GTR-DFDBA group (2.4 mm). Conclusions: Both techniques for treatment of gingival recession (SCTG and GTR-DFDBA) lead to favourable and long-term stable results, but SCTG promoted a more favourable increase in keratinized tissue. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)